How to upgrade existing DNS Resolver
Carsten Strotmann,
eco/CENTR Webinar February 2020
Created: 2021-02-08 Mon 12:39
- DNS-Privacy
- What is DoH/DoT?
- The current status
- Enabling DoT/DoH on an existing DNS resolver with
About me?
Carsten Strotmann (email:
DNS(SEC)/DANE/DHCP/IPv6 trainer and supporter
Privacy in DNS?
- in recent years, the IETF has expanded the DNS protocol with privacy features
- DNS-over-TLS (Transport-Encryption between DNS client and DNS resolver)
- DNS-over-HTTPS (Transport-Encryption between DNS client and DNS resolver)
- QNAME Minimization (less meta data in DNS)
- EDNS-Padding (hiding of DNS data in encrypted connections)
The need for more DNS privacy
- a study presented at IETF 105 during the Applied Networking Research Workshop in July 2019 found that
- 8.5 % of networks (AS) intercept DNS queries (27.9% in China)
- (today) most queries are answered un-altered
- but the situation might change, intercept server might change DNS answers
DoH - DNS over HTTP(S)
- RFC 8484 DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH) (P. Hoffman, ICANN and
P. McManus, Mozilla)
- DNS HTTP-Format over HTTPS over TCP, Port 443 (HTTP/2)
- URL:
- Encryption, Authentication and Cloaking
DoT vs DoH
- differences between DoT and DoH
- DoT can be easily blocked, because it is running on an dedicated port (853)
- DoH is made to look like normal HTTPS traffic, selective
blocking of DoH is difficult
- DoH seems to be easier to implement, because of existing HTTPS
library functions in programming languages
- DoH enables developers to do DNS name resolution on an
application level, which some people think is bad
Firefox Browser
- Firefox Trusted Recursive/Remote Resolver (TRR) Program
- Cloudflare (default) or NextDNS
- Comcast XFinity (coming)
- automatic roll-out started in February 2020
Chrome(ium) Browser
- DoH is implemented and can be enabled by the user
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Vivaldi
- Brave
- Microsoft Edge
- Bromite
- DoH "auto upgrade" for the configured DNS resolver (manual
configured or DHCP/RA supplied)
- Google is experimenting with adaptive DoH-Resolver-Discovery via
Safari Browser (iOS, iPadOS, MacOS)
- support for DoH and DoT is coming with iOS 14 and MacOS 11 'Big
- possibly also support for Adaptive DNS resolver discovery
- DoT available from Android 9 "Pie"
- manual setting
- "auto upgrade" from the configured DNS resolver, or Google DNS as
Apple MacOS 11 and iOS/iPadOS 14
- support for DoT and DoH
- global and per App/Application resolver selection possible
- "encrypted DNS" configuration Apps possible, user can choose
provider by installing App
- OS can learn "per Domain" DoH/DoT setting via DNS or HTTP (Adaptive
- OS can discover DoH/DoT Server via DHCP/PvD (Provisioning Domains)
or queries to
via classic DNS53
- Discovery methods in active discussion in the IETF ADD working
Microsoft Windows 10
- support in latest "Inside" builds of Windows 10
- customer can enable DoH via registry key
- uses the configured DNS resolver in the network stack (aka "auto
update" to DoH)
- DoT support in
for some time
- opportunistic mode only (automatic fallback to DNS53)
- no server authentication (MITM possible)
- global or "per interface" setting
- not enabled by default
- DoT support in
- not enabled by default
- opportunistic "auto update" mode or manual configured "strict" mode
- server authentication via TLS certificate
Enabling DoH and/or DoT for an existing DNS resolver
Deployment of an DoH/DoT proxy (1/2)
Deployment of an DoH/DoT proxy (2/2)
Why an DoH/DoT proxy?
- easy deployment
- existing DNS resolver infrastructure does not need to be touched
- scaling through separate hardware/server instances
- hardware TLS acceleration possible (in commercial offerings)
Why not use an DoH/DoT proxy?
- additional complexity
- additional latency / less performance
- more about pro/cons in the upcoming presentation from Tomas Krizek
Hands-On - Deploying a DoH/DoT Proxy with DNSdist
- Instructions on
- Every participant gets a virtual machine (see table on the instruction page)
- Replace every occurrence of "XX" in the instruction with your participant number
- Use the chat if you have questions
- Raise your hand in the conferencing tool to indicate you're finished with the setup
Thank you